-- Curse Mov -- | -- Wellspring -- | -- Misc-- | -- Othr Wrlds --

^S ThghtLft ^G GryMattr | ^C CoaxOrgn ^I Rfrm | (From Organelle-Poet)



I insist that the Friend of a Friend of Mine, a blue roach puppet with reams of lore, will speak tonight at the Individual Dissolution Reception.

FoAF will narrate a story about a popular snack with a secret, gut-churning ingredient. This will be the signal for the Personality Liquidators to begin their “intervention.” After the reception has been cleared of the leftover clothes, purses, wallets etc (contents sold off on the gray market as quickly as possible), the “Opinionated Air” (ringing still with unresolved debate) will be vacuum sealed into a display diorama of the scene for future students of history to enjoy on field trips.

If this goes off well, the Blue Roach will be deployed again as a candidate for a local city councilor in the upcoming election.